Oakland, California, is located in Alameda County, and is 10 miles E of San Francisco, California. Oakland has a population of 399,484. It is in the San Francisco Bay Area region, and enjoys close proximity to San Francisco. The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge links the two cities together.
Concentrated efforts have been made in the preservation of precious Victorian homes. The beautiful results can be seen in downtown Oakland’s Preservation Park, as well as throughout the city and in the picturesque Oakland Hills.
The city’s homes follow different architectural styles, but two are dominant—the Victorian, and the Craftsman. See fine examples of both in Rockridge,a pedestrian friendly Oakland neighborhood well-served by public transportation. A BART commuter train station is here, flanked by a European-style public market, ethnic restaurants, and boutiques. Another neighborhood is Elmwood—to the North—and borders the University of California. Homes in both neighborhoods are in high demand.
Oakland properties pool is 150,787 residential properties including Oakland new homes. Median age of real estate in Oakland is 1950. Its average household size is 3.38 people. 10% are one bedroom homes, 34% are 2 bedroom homes, 36% are 3 bedroom homes, 14% are 4 bedroom homes, and 4% are 5+ bedroom homes.
Homes With No Mortgage 23%
Homes With Mortgage 77%
First Mortgage Only 58%
First & Second Mortgage or HELOC 19%
Oakland Real estate Tax: Median Real Estate Taxes (2000) were $1,762 comparing to 1999 Median Family income $ 44,384. Compare to USA median yearly Real Estate Tax $1,300 and USA median Family Income $42,000 (1999).
Oakland School District: Children make up 25% of Oakland population. Oakland has 99,759 under 18 years old residents, or 0.59 kids per one worker, or 0.66 kids per one household.
There are also many private schools, including the new addition of a Spanish bilingual school for preschool to the elementary levels.
Oakland Real Estate & Oakland Homeownership
There are 48251.84 or 32% one person households, 42220.36 or 28% two person households, and 22618.05 or 15% three person households in Oakland, California. Median residents age is 33.3, Senior citizens (65+) make up 41,788 or 10.5%% of Oakland population.
There are 170,503 workers (over 16 years of age) in Oakland. Of these, 71.98% drive to work. Approximately 17.44% of workers in Oakland take public transportation. An estimated 3.73% walk to work. Public transportation consists of the bus, as well as the Bay Area Rapid Transport trains, which is headquartered in Oakland.
Median Oakland homeowner’s housing expenses are 22.5%
Crime in Oakland (2003), crimes per 10,000 residents per year
Violent Crimes 140.51
Robberies 61.93
Aggravated Assaults 69.14
Property Crimes 566.48
Burglaries 114.35
Larceny-Thefts 314.18
Motor Vehicle Thefts 137.95
Oakland is an ethnically diverse city in a region that offers temperate climate most of the year. Civic life thrives here, with many museums and educational institutions that call Oakland their home. Many beautiful highlights include Lake Merritt, Oakland’s own Chinatown, and the Oakland Hills with its stunning views of the San Francisco skyline and the bay.
When making a decision about buying real estate in Oakland California area, you should consider the following statistical data:
Near Medium City
Near Large City San Francisco, California
Oakland Zip Codes 94601, 94602, 94603, 94605, 94606, 94607, 94608, 94609, 94610, 94611, 94612, 94615, 94617, 94618, 94619, 94621
Oakland Area Codes 510
White population 31.29%
African-American population 35.66%
Asian 15.23%
American Indian & Alaskan
Hispanic (of any race) 21.89%
Median Family Income (1999) $ 44,384%
Population Below Poverty Level 19.15%