Downsizing, layoffs and attrition are scary words that many Americans are hearing all too often these days. Because auto manufacturers, the airlines and other major industries are trying to drastically cut costs, cutting employees seems like a logical step. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 2/3 of states suffer from unemployment rates at or higher than the national average. Historically, however, one city has proven itself to be almost unemployment resistant: Huntsville, Alabama.
Real estate, construction, professional & technical services, and government are just a few of the industries that continue to grow and shield Huntsville from rising unemployment figures. According to the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations, as of May 2006, Madison County, Alabama was at a steady unemployment rate of almost half the national average.
What does this mean for you? Jobs! Employment opportunities can be found in and around Huntsville. Real estate careers are flourishing; aerospace jobs are now open; computer and defense positions are constantly available, and so are many others, including retail, restaurant & tourism, and education. An easy way to see what’s available is to search the job openings database for Huntsville, Alabama. You can find it at: http://www.huntsvillealabamausa.com/huntsvillejobs/searchjobs.cgi.
Lower Cost of Living, Higher Quality of Life in Huntsville
Real estate costs are much lower in Huntsville than in many other states. The same is true of other cost-of-living expenses. However, because of the central location of Huntsville and the benefits equal to many larger metropolises, a higher quality of life is experienced by those who call Huntsville home. With the cost of living and salary adjustments, someone moving from Stamford, Connecticut to Huntsville, Alabama making $35,000 per year would typically see an increase in disposable income of $7,988 per year, according to Salary.com.
Just as you would find in larger cities, Huntsville is home to many museums, a symphony orchestra, botanical gardens and several colleges and universities. In addition, outdoor activities abound. All of these make Huntsville a great place to live and work.
Isn’t Relocation Expensive? How Would I Get To Huntsville?
Real estate closing fees, moving costs and other relocation expenses could possibly be paid for – in part or in full – by the company you will be employed with once you arrive. With many larger businesses, a list of company-paid moving expenses can be negotiated when you apply for your job. Every organization has a different policy, so be sure to get all the details before making any decisions about relocating.
If unemployment is an issue in your area, consider moving to Huntsville. Jobs in every industry are plentiful; the cost of living is low, and the lifestyle is easy.